Muscat of Alexandria
A white variety, originally from Greece
A larger-berried member of the Muscat family, it accumulates high levels of sugar making it a natural choice for fortified wines, although it does make dry and sweet light wines throughout the world.
Regional Synonyms
- Blanca Italia
- Hanepoot
- Malaga
- Moscatel Blanca
- Moscatel Blanco
- Moscatel de Alejandr¡a
- Moscatel de Alejandria
- Moscatel de Alejandría
- Moscatel De Alejandría
- Moscatel de Malaga
- Moscatel de Setúbal
- Moscatel Graudo
- Moscato de Alexandria
- Muscat Alexandria
- Muscat Amber
- Muscat d'Alexandrie
- Muscat Gordo Blanco
- Zibibbo
Percentage of Plantings
Varietal Facts(2016 data)
Global Rank
Global Plantings (%)
New World Plantings