Our Goals
About Envision.wine

Envision.wine is not a certification program, certification provider nor a site for most wine consumers, instead it’s a resource for those already on a certification path, or for industry on-trade.

Envision started development several years ago as a means to turn a collection of notes, sketches, and ideas into a study tool for our own exams. Our goal now is to provide context and connection, by relating the sea of facts available in the world of wine back to actionable and understandable pieces of information that you can use while studying.

All of the certifications have value and all of the programs have interesting and unique information, but if you are having problems understanding how it all fits together, or perhaps just feel overwhelmed at the raw amount of information, this might be the place for you.

If you are here to consider the next step in your wine education, check out our list of certification organizations to help find a provider in your area.

The Place

What role does the place play in crafting a specific wine and how can you sense it from what's in the glass?

The People

How did the winemakers and the lawmakers influence or change what came from the vineyard and what's the impact in the final wine?

The Product

Why is a wine successful (or not) in the global market? How does the same varietal reach different levels of fame and fortune based on the region, history and demand?

Wine pouring


Whenever possible, we source from universities, and the organizations and governing bodies involved in the management and trade of wine. We supplement using weather stations, geographic information systems (GIS) and satellite data to tell a story. The goal is to provide timely and accurate resource for your studies but focused to the interconnecting details that help make data into infromation.

Dry Tasting Notes

Structural tasting notes, create and edited by experts in the industry. Not information about how a particular wine tasted on a particular day, but general information about what you might expect from a style of wine from a region.

Maps and Visualizations

Interactive maps and data visualizations to explore the terrain and the factors that create the styles from wine regions around the world. Comparisons of wine structures and climatic influences.

Video Lessons

Video content on major styles, comparative tastings and the reasons behind what you taste in the glass guided by an industry expert.

Learn Mode

A place to check your knowledge, determine if you remembering what you are learning, and a launching point to explore confusing topics or misunderstood information.

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